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    類型:泰國(guó)劇泰國(guó)2023-11-19 05:57:00詳情




    迷你劇  杰德是平面設(shè)計(jì)師,他永遠(yuǎn)是中間的那個(gè)“老二”。他在學(xué)校成績(jī)一般。他身邊的人要么是他的兄弟姐妹,要么是他的朋友長(zhǎng)得太好看了,以至于他一直被忽視,或者成為那些想親自了解他的兄弟姐妹和朋友的人的中間人。玉多年來一直處于這種情況,不得不勉強(qiáng)接受。他在心里筑起了一道高墻。他不期待浪漫的關(guān)系,因?yàn)樗罒o論誰(shuí)來找他,都只是想接近他周圍的人。一天,他的辦公室迎來了一位名叫麥的實(shí)習(xí)生。麥?zhǔn)且粋€(gè)很有魅力的學(xué)生,很受辦公室女孩的歡迎。杰德注意到麥經(jīng)常盯著他和他的朋友Uea。他認(rèn)為麥對(duì)Uea感興趣,是的——他將再次成為這個(gè)的中間人。但是,他不知道真正吸引麥目光的是他??纯粗虚g人不會(huì)像以前一樣被忽視會(huì)怎么樣!~~改編自littlebbear96的小說  Jade works as a graphic designer. He is always the one in the middle. Middle child. He has got an average grade in school. People around him either his siblings or his friends are so good-looking that he has always been overlooked or becomes just a middleman for those Who want to know his siblings and friends personally. Jade has been in this situation for years and has to accept it unwillingly. He has built a high wall in his heart. He does not expect a romantic relationship since he has learned that whoever comes to him just want to get close to the people around him. One day, his office welcomes an intern called Mai. Mai is an attractive student Who is popular among the girls in the office. Jade notices that Mai often stares at him and his friend, Uea. He thinks Mai is interested in Uea, and yes- he will become a middleman for this again. But, he does not know that the one Who actually catches Mai\'s eye is him. Let\'s see what will happen when the middleman will not be overlooked as before!